What Home Buyers Want In A California Home

by Pam Watson 05/30/2019

Home trends tend to come and go like the wind, but there are certain features that become timeless. As a California homeowner, you should know what buyers are looking for in a home. This way, you can put thought into the return you could get on your investment on improvements to help them stand the test of time. Your home will also be more attractive to buyers should you sell in the future. Below, you’ll find some of the most popular trends that buyers look for in a California home.

Updated Countertops

The desired materials for countertops tend to change with the decade that we’re in. Granite countertops used to be the “in” thing. Then marble made an appearance on the scene. Now, quartz is seen as desirable since it is more durable and less prone to staining. No matter what material you choose, know that updating your countertops is the most important thing that you can do in your home if it has been some time since you made changes to your kitchen. 

Hardwood Floors

Buyers love hardwood floors since they look clean and are easy to clean. Wall-to-wall carpet is usually a deterrent for buyers. Although carpet can give a warmer feel, it’s usually not a requirement in the California climate to make a home feel “warm.” Allergy sufferers also appreciate hardwood floors as they are easier on the collection of dust and allergens. It should also be noted that hardwood floors last longer than carpet. It’s definitely beneficial to update the flooring in your California home to some type of durable hardwood material.


Your California home should offer a lot of light. Big, open windows are a great feature that home buyers are looking for. Think of bay windows, floor to ceiling windows, and skylights. The windows in your home should be replaced about every 15-20 years, so plan accordingly.  

Outdoor Features

You’re not living in California if you can’t enjoy the outdoors. It’s important to have some desirable outdoor features at your California home. These items could include a deck, gazebo, patio, or outdoor kitchen. Buyers in California also enjoy swimming pools and a hot tub jacuzzi. Outdoor living in California should be a prime priority for homeowners.

As you can see, the features that you should include to entice buyers and get a return on your investment are quite simple yet can really reel in buyers when it comes time to sell your home.    


About the Author

Pam Watson

Hi, I'm Pam Watson and I have been a Realtor since 1979. Whether you are buying or selling, I am here to serve you. I have an exceptional experienced staff working with me to make every transaction smooth and handled with care. I'd be honored to put my real estate experience to work for you.

Serving all of Solano County.